Harp Tutorials
Here are four harp lessons recorded by the Cromarty Arts Trust during the 2015 Harp Village in Cromarty. These are made available as a teaching aid for harpers with the kind permission of the four tutors, Corrina Hewat, Ailie Robertson, Tristan le Govic and Wendy Stewart. We hope that harp students everywhere will enjoy these videos.
1. By Corrina Hewat
Cromarty Arts - Harp lesson- Corrina-SD from Cromarty Arts Trust on Vimeo.
2. By Ailie Robertson
Cromarty Arts - Harp lesson- Ailie-SD from Cromarty Arts Trust on Vimeo.
3. By Tristan le Govic
Cromarty Arts - Harp lesson- Tristan-SD from Cromarty Arts Trust on Vimeo.
4. By Wendy Stewart
Cromarty Arts - Harp lesson- Wendy-SD from Cromarty Arts Trust on Vimeo.