Big Art Sale Preview

When: Thursday, November 1st 2012, Start Time: 18:00, End Time: 20:00

THE BIG ART SALE PREVIEW at the Stables Gallery.

From 6pm - 8pm

Come and join us for some music from the soon to be Cromarty Pipe Band (still in the early stages!)
Work in every  medium and 3d work including mounted prints, cards, ceramics, glass, wood, crafts, textiles
and other media.


contact Cromarty Arts Trust by email
Or leave a message on 01381 600354
for a form and more information.
Or pop into the office.


Future CAT Events

Contact Information

19 Bank Street, Cromarty
IV11 8YE Scotland

T: 01381 600354


Cromarty Arts Trust is recognised as a Scottish Charity number SC003018