handbags handbags

When: Thursday, July 11th 2013 - Sunday, July 14th 2013


For the first time ever a selection of beautiful and diverse designer handbags by David Stanley Plampton is going to be available for the public to see. A young Cromarty resident, Eva Coutts, intrigued by his personal story, is now collaborating with the Cromarty Arts Trust and curating a two day exhibition to be held this summer at the Stables in July displaying the bags and the stories behind them.

Additionally, in an attempt to convey how highly the handbag is cherished across all generations, Eva would like to invite members of the public to submit their own thoughts, stories and soundbites, allowing them not only to enjoy David's bags, which range from magnificent and extra ordinary crocodile-skin holdalls to delicate cigarette holders, but to participate in a unique way themselves.

Eva says, 'I want your handbag stories/thoughts and photos for this exhibition which I’m curating. If you’re happy to share them with me, please contact me by telephone on 01381600357 or email [email protected] Thank you thank you!'

Future CAT Events

Contact Information

19 Bank Street, Cromarty
IV11 8YE Scotland

T: 01381 600354


Cromarty Arts Trust is recognised as a Scottish Charity number SC003018