Edward Caswell in Concert

When: Sunday, October 12th 2014, Start Time: 16:00, End Time: 18:00

Edward Caswell and Helen Standen

12 October, Start Time: 4pm at the Stables, Cromarty

Edward Caswell (Baritone) and Helen Standen (Piano)

The programme will be:
Franz Schubert's 'Schwanengesang' and Gerald Finzi's 'Let us garlands bring'

Concert tickets cost £10 and £8 and children £3
For more information, please contact Cromarty Arts Trust on 01381 600354

or email info@cromartyartstrust.org.uk

Future CAT Events

Contact Information

19 Bank Street, Cromarty
IV11 8YE Scotland

T: 01381 600354


Cromarty Arts Trust is recognised as a Scottish Charity number SC003018