Wood Sculpture with Leon Patchett

When: Sunday, September 13th 2015, Start Time: 10:00, End Time: 16:00

SATURDAY SEPT 12 from 10am-4pm

Leon Patchett is an environmental artist working at the Stables in Cromarty. He is a graduate of Central / St Martins College of Art & Design where he completed a B.A.Hons Degree in Ceramics in 1990.  He has been a practicing artist for the past decade and now works out in Cromarty, a small peninsular town north of Inverness in the Highlands of Scotland.  This beautiful and dramatic region of Scotland has inspired a new direction in his work.  A simple walk on the beach presented a readily available free material to begin a new approach in the studio.

In Leon's workshop, you will be shown processes to create your very own piece of original sculpture.

Cost of the workshop is £50 Please bring your own packed lunch. Tea and coffee available.

Future CAT Events

Contact Information

19 Bank Street, Cromarty
IV11 8YE Scotland

T: 01381 600354


Cromarty Arts Trust is recognised as a Scottish Charity number SC003018