Sarah Bevan-Baker & William Conway

When: Sunday, May 17th 2009, Start Time: 16:00

The first concert in the Cromarty Arts Trust Chamber Music Series will feature cellist William Conway and violinist Sarah Bevan-Baker. The programme will include 'Spring' written for Sarah by her father, followed by pieces from Bach unaccompanied. Music by Sir Peter Maxwell Davies will feature as well as other baroque material. Sarah is the daughter of the late John Bevan-Baker, the composer from Fortrose whose output includes much chamber music as well as the very “local” opera inspired by the story of the Brahan Seer. William is the Director of the nationally established Hebrides Ensemble in which he and Sarah play. He is also principal conductor of the Scottish Chamber Orchestra which Sarah leads. William has established himself as a conductor of versatility equally at home with a wide variety of repertoire and orchestras. He has worked with many great conductors including Herbert von Karajan, Guilini, Maazel, Haitink, Rattle and Abbado.

He has conducted most of the major orchestras in Scotland and many further afield including Chamber Orchestra of Europe, Northern Sinfonia, Orchestra de Filharmonie of Flanders, Beethoven Akademie and the American Phoenix Symphony Orchestra amongst many. In 1996 he formed a small Opera Company, Seer Opera Company, specialising in new, small-scale opera. He is the artistic-director of contemporary chamber music group, Hebrides Ensemble, which has commissioned over forty new works in the last fourteen years providing educational workshops and many cross-art projects.

Bookings and Ticket information:
Tickets will cost £10 / £8 / £3 (children) Advance bookings can be made by phone on 01381 600354 by email.

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Future CAT Events

Contact Information

19 Bank Street, Cromarty
IV11 8YE Scotland

T: 01381 600354


Cromarty Arts Trust is recognised as a Scottish Charity number SC003018