Art Weekend with Oliver Reed
When: Saturday, September 22nd 2012, Start Time: 10:00, End Time: 16:30
Tutor: Oliver Reed
Narrative Landscapes
This course is aimed at those looking to engage in creating drawing and painting narratives, telling a visual story through a landscape. This may be based on either the local environment of Cromarty, personal sketches, photographs or referenced imagery. The course shall evolve over two days allowing you the time to create a series of sketches, collages and various compositions of landscape narrative studies, employing the use of photographs and introducing secondary sourced reference material (such as magazines and newspapers imagery) before focusing on one narrative, a range of studies, imagery or subject to translate into a finished piece of work.
Throughout the course you will be able to be experimental, expressive, serious or playful in your visual narratives, exploring various methods and approaches, in drawing and painting techniques and methods, exploring collaging and fusing both primary and secondary sourced images, forming an understanding of how to construct and execute landscape narrative paintings.
During this course you will develop your:
• skills in exploring ways to develop your ideas into a visual narrative.
• confidence in translating those ideas into resolved painting studies.
Materials List:
• Your sketchbook and collect of photocopies of photographs or originals.
• Charcoal (Compressed & Willow)
• White chalk
• Eraser
• A range of pencils (2B-6B)
• Graphite stick (4B)
• Oil Bars (Clear)
• Masking tape
• Chalk Pastels (small set)
• Pens and coloured pencils.
• A range of papers and collage material, brown paper, old newspapers, magazines.
• Painting surface such as card or board.
Acrylic paint:
• Cadmium Red and Yellow, Ultramarine Blue, Burnt Umber, Yellow Ochre, Black
• Large pot of White (at least 250ml)
• Brushes: bristle brushes - various sizes- e.g.. square or round, size 2-10
• 1†& 2†household paint brush
• Rags and board or plastic to use as a palette.
Cost will be £120 and lunches and refreshments will be provided.
Accommodation can be offered separately but please arrange in advance