An afternoon with Tamzene

When: Saturday, January 4th 2014, Start Time: 14:00, End Time: 16:00

Tamzene is 16 years old and aspiring to be a singer/songwriter. She spent her early years in Cromarty and attended Cromarty Primary School and now attends Gordonstoun near Elgin.
Over the next year she will be fundraising for two very different but equally life-changing experiences!
Thailand Water Project

Tamzene says 'This is a project I’ve wanted to be part of for a few years now. It is Gordonstoun’s oldest Overseas Service Project. On it, we will work closely with the Paganyor Foundation with the aim of bringing clean drinking water to a remote hill village in Northern Thailand.

Edinburgh Festival Fringe

In 2014 the Gordonstoun Performing Arts departments are forming a company that will take two productions (‘Avenue Q’ and ‘The Cagebirds’) to the Edinburgh Festival Fringe. This is a great opportunity for me to take part in a theatrical/musical performance of the highest quality and enjoy the wonderful and unique experience that the Edinburgh Festival Fringe offers.
You can help me raise the money I need by one of the following ways:
Download Tamzene’s music
Come to my concert in Cromarty on 4th January
All of this information is on my website at  thank you for your support, I look forward to meeting you on January 4th.'

Tickets for Tamzene's concert can be purchased from her website Cost £10

Refreshments are provided by the Cheese House, Cromarty

Future CAT Events

Contact Information

19 Bank Street, Cromarty
IV11 8YE Scotland

T: 01381 600354


Cromarty Arts Trust is recognised as a Scottish Charity number SC003018