Lesley Kelly

When: Saturday, May 4th 2019, Start Time: 12:00, End Time: 13:00

Where: The Stables Causeway, Cromarty IV11 8XS

Part of:
Crime & Thrillers Weekend

'Viruses, Villains And A Very Special Museum'

Lesley Kelly has worked in the public and voluntary sectors for the past twenty years, dabbling in poetry and stand-up comedy along the way. She has won a number of writing competitions, including The Scotsman's Short Story award in 2008.

Her first novel, A Fine House in Trinity, was published by Sandstone Press in 2016, and was longlisted for the William McIlvanney Prize.

​Her subsequent novels, The Health of Strangers and Songs by Dead Girls explore crime and misdeeds in an Edinburgh beset by a mystery Virus.​

​She lives in Edinburgh with her husband and two sons.

Lesley will be signing books following her talk.


£15  Reserve your ticket by email, tel 01381 600354 or complete and return this form.

Future CAT Events

Contact Information

19 Bank Street, Cromarty
IV11 8YE Scotland

T: 01381 600354


Cromarty Arts Trust is recognised as a Scottish Charity number SC003018